How To Manage Back Pain

How To Manage Back Pain

Back pain, whether brought on by an injury or condition, or whether it is chronic in nature, can severely affect your ability to carry on with normal everyday activities. Even mild back pain is difficult to ignore, which is why it's important to seek the help of a professional who can help you diagnose the underlying cause of the back pain and help you either treat or manage it, or both. To learn more about all the available treatment options you can get in contact with Dr. Ali Nairizi of United Pain Urgent Care in Reno, NV.

At-Home Care and Prevention

If your pain is mild you can first try to modify your behavior at home by being mindful of your posture and making sure you're sitting in one position for too long at a time. Some stretches and exercises can also help, as well as over-the-counter medication, but if you find yourself relying on painkillers to get through the day then it may be time to see a professional.

Back Pain Treatment in Reno, NV

Your doctor may still prescribe medication but their goal will be to determine the underlying cause of your back pain and then decide on the appropriate treatment. For chronic pain and certain conditions, your doctor can suggest different types of injections to provide relief, such as trigger point injections, epidural steroid injections, sacroiliac, and facet joint injections.

Physical therapy may also be suggested both as a way to manage pain and to help you recover and rehabilitate. Non-surgical approaches are usually pursued first and exhausted, only in severe cases or those that were not improved by other treatments will surgery be suggested.

Whether you struggle with mild or chronic pain and are looking for relief you can schedule a consultation in Reno, NV, with Dr. Nairizi of United Pain Urgent Care by dialing (775) 384-1380.

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